My followers

maandag 31 oktober 2011

Halloween! Some Orcs.......

to get in the mood! This is the first time I've painted some fantasy figures. And I must say, it was fun to do! Maybe it's also because I'm a big fan of "The Lord Of the Rings". I love that story. I've been reading the books several times, and the movies, well let's say that I can't get enough of them!

The whole bunch of them!

Because it was the first time I painted this kind of figures, I didn't really knew wich colors to use. I guessed that they were a bit green, with some dirt over them. So I used GW Dark Angels Green as basecolor with a GW Devlan Mud wash over it. I'm satisfied with the result, hope you guys to? For the theeth I used GW Rotting Flesh (thought that was suiteble for this guys :-D). For the clothing I used dark colors, armory and weapons, GW Chainmail and GW Mithril Silver.

The figures are from Caesar. They have a very nice range of fantasy figures. You can see them all here.

Original figures:

Comment on PSR:
Why are orcs always portrayed as the bad guys?

Comment on PSR:
Aren't they just another misunderstood minority that need a hug?

Painted ones:

I decided to paint nothing on the banner yet,
because I'm not sure what I could put on it.

This one I gave a full chainmail cloth,
but the next will be bearskin or something similar.

I hear you Paul! No bowstring!
Well I couldn't! I should have to removed his head!

This one has a problem! I'm curious if you can find out
what his problem is!
I tell it later!
I couldn't add a bowstring again because of the head!

And some more group pictures:

Also welcome to a the new followers:
- Der Feldmarschall from Der Feldmarschall and this is what he tells about himself: "Former US Army Military Intelligence Officer, long time wargamer, hockey nut, and lover of little toy soldiers".
- Danny Jeurissen from Dioramanet and he tells about himself: "About two years busy with the hobby and it grown out to a real passion".
- Tomsche from Società di archeologia e cimeli 

Welcome to my blog!!!!!


Happy Halloween!!!!!

dinsdag 25 oktober 2011

Siege Tower Attack

Some months ago I showed my Zvezda Siege Tower in this post. I was built for a duel against my good friend Paul from Paul's Bods.

Now I realized I never showed you what I did with this tower. Well here it is.

Figures are from Italeri and two of Valdemar. The wall is made of styrofoam.

Enjoy the pictures!

Complete overview.

Tower closed!

Tower half open!

Tower open! The attack begins!

It was tricky to glue the figures on the right place!

Saladins army. Saladin on the top left.

Balians army.

Hope you like them!

Also welcome to a new follower:
- Markus Schenk from The Dice Warrior. A new Blogger and a good friend of me. Also a little bit crazy just like me. Nickname Capt Chaos:-D

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

zondag 16 oktober 2011

Hat 8175 Wurttemberg Cavalry (test shot)

This is a figure I received from Sascha from Zed's Nappies (thanks!). It's a test figure of a set that is still in production. Stage 5 of 10 tells me the Hat website.

I used the box art as a reference to paint this figure. It was a bit searching to find the right color green, but I think I managed to paint it right.

Enjoy the pictures!

The box art:

Hope you like him!

And also welcome to the new followers:

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

dinsdag 11 oktober 2011

Box Art

This is something I've made in 2009 for a painting competition on Benno's Figures Forum. It looked like fun to let come a picture on a box to live by painting the figures just like they are shown on the box.

I decided to pick the Italeri Arab Warriors because they looked nice, and very colorfull. Sculpting is very good, a bit less on the one with the spear and the archer on the horse, but still better as some other sets. One minor point is that each rider has his specific horse or camel. You can't change them, and there are only five poses.

The bowstrings are made of hair. All figures are painted with acrylics.

Enjoy the pictures!

And now one by one.

My favorite figure!

Special for Sean!

Hope you like them!

And also welcome to a new follower:
- Tim Gow from Megablitz and more

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

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