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maandag 4 maart 2013

Austrian cuirassiers Regt. Nr 8 Part 1

Yes, just like Paul from Paul's Bods, I'm involved in this project. I have about 143 figures of this Regiment to paint. I can tell you I never worked on such big project before and it's some kind of adventure for me. I started with painting one figure and one horse to get the colours right and get the feeling how to paint these figures. The result can be seen here today.

What is in my box to paint? I give you a summary:
- 10 Officers
- 9 Trumpeters
- 3 Flagbearers
- 121 Troopers
- 143 Horses

What is done so far? Not much at this stage of the work. One trooper and 25 horses is what I have painted complete. At this moment I'm painting 99 figures and when I get bored doing these, I paint some horses. It's for me the way to not getting a madman.

I will try to give every week an update but don't expect to much in the next few weeks. It's a slow progress. And now I did enough talking, time for some pictures from this test figure.

I have seen that I have some new followers but I will give them a proper welcome in one of my next post. Thanks for joining mates, I'll come back to you later.

To all the others, sorry for my long absence, but I hope you will understand after reading this post.

Some links to the project:

Welcome to my blog!!!!!