My followers

donderdag 28 november 2013

Caesar Dwarf 3/10

It's still Dwarfember, so here is the next one! Again one with an axe. The next one, I promise will not have an axe! Nothing more to tell about this dwarf, just that he is from the same tribe as the two previous dwarves. The green colour is their tribe colour. But I have no name for them yet. Maybe someone has an idea?

Here he is!

All three together!

I also want to welcome two new followers:
- Dave Docherty from One man and his brushes

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

vrijdag 22 november 2013

Caesar Dwarf 2/10

Almost a year ago I posted the first one of these dwarfs on my blog. Did you miss him? No problem you can see him here. Now so much time later I almost finished them all. And inspired by my good friend Pascal from Sam's Minis World I found  it about time to let them see to you, my dear followers. Again one with an axe.

Dwarfs one and two!

I hope you like him!

And now something different! This year, and this for the fourth time, a "Wild Bunch" of figure painters have their challenge at the Analogue Hobbies Blog. Three months they will be painting figures like mad men and women. I wish them all good luck, but most of all Curt who is organizing this madness! And I'm also a bit mad, cause I will try to follow this challenge as much as I can!

I also want to announce another "Give Away" This time on the One man his brushes blog. He's doing this cause he reached the 100.000 hits milestone and 150 followers. He is Dave, congrats!

I would also like to take the opportunity to support a very fine lady, who's going through hard times and I miss her a lot on blogger! I'm talking about Anne O'Leary from the O'Leary Miniatures blog. I also hope that her participation on the painting challenge will bring her back on blogger! Don't let them get you down Anne!

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

zaterdag 16 november 2013

Hat 8024 Nubian Cavalry

After all that news about CRISIS it's time I show some painted figures again. This time I've painted some figures giving by my son at the beginning of this year. For the ones who missed it, it was this post: Happy New Year!.

I picked these ones because I wanted to paint some figures that could be done very quickly. And it worked. This set has twelve riders.The horses are all painted in different colours because I wanted to test some combinations for later projects. And some of you will also notice that these are again some white uniforms. I couldn't resist!

A review of the set can be read here.

And now the pictures:

And here some animation I want to try out!

I hope you like them!

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

zondag 10 november 2013

CRISIS 2013 Purchases

Well as promised here is my little list of purchases I've made at CRISIS this year. I always start with a plan when I go to a convention. I make a small list of the things I'm really after. But as always that are dreams. And as always you leave the place with more things that were on the list.

Let's start with the things that were on that list:

First I went to the stand of Ulrike and Jörg Schilling from Schilling Figuren. They had some new things, and I wanted them in myy collection.

First there was this nice "Ox Wagon".

Then they have a nice range of Indians.

Bear attack!

Buffalo hunt set 1!

Buffalo hunt set 2!
All these figures are sculpted by Toma. Toma's Minis World is his blog and I can recommend a visit to his blog. He has made some awesome diorama's!

Next thing on my list was this (not teasing you Fran!):

Brushes 10/0 and hopefully a good goldpaint this time!
The brushes are for painting those 6 mm figures from Ian!

And then the walk around starts, and the next things were yelling to me: "Buy me!" So here is the result:

Hasegawa Mercedes Benz G4.

Bought it for 5 euro at the bring and sell stands.

Zvezda Siege Machines Set 1! Again 5 euro!

Zvezda Siege Machines Set 2! Same price!

I just love this set! Great figures!

And then I bought some little plastic bags with figures from a second hand shop:

This all for 3,5 euro! Now look what was in it!
I give a little more attention to the bag with the brown figures!

All little pieces from Atlantic, nice to make some scenery!

25 Esci Muslim Warriors!

Some Modern Paratroopers from Atlantic! I have these already!
But they werent the main reason I bought this bag.

1. From the Gold rush set from Atlantic
2. From the Kit Carson set from Atlantic
3. From the Buffalo Bill set from Atlantic

This was the main reason I bought the bag!
The three top rows and the last row of figures
are from the Sioux Camp set of Atlantic.
Never reissued and very rare!

Sitting Bull and a squaw cleaning a buffalo skin!

Top row: A squaw making dinner and a warrior cutting some wood.
Bottom row: A squaw  from the Apache Camp from Atlantic.

Warriors returning from hunt.
Warrior with horse.
With these last figures from Atlantic I was very pleased. Pity they missed some poses as you can see here.

That was it folks!

I also want to welcome a new follower:
- Jur from Rear Guard Action

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

dinsdag 5 november 2013

CRISIS 2013 pictures!

It took me some time, but as I mentioned in my previous post I visited the CRISIS 2013 convention at Antwerp Belgium. It was also the place to meet some old and new friends. From the Benno's Figures Forum, I've met Benno, Remco, Jurian, Konrad, Markus, Martin, Johan, Pierce, Jan, Peter, Jörg and Ulrike Schilling. From some Blogs I've met Sofie, Mario, Sidney and Stefan. And I missed a lot more of them as you can see on their blogs. I will put the links on the end of this posts!

Here they are the pictures. Not all very clear, seems to me I had some problems with my camera or maeby their was to much smoke of the hamburgers.

Martin, Konrad, Benno, Remco and Jurian!

Found this nice! So I couldn't resist taking a picture of it!

A gaming table with a first floor! :-D

First floor!


The "Alde Garde" in action!

Peter and Jan!

TooFatLardies gaming table!

This is how the parking looked like at Hangar 29!

And as promised some links to other blogs and sites with pictures from the convention:
Sofies Paint Blog
Making miniatures with Mario
Murphy's Heroes 1
Murphy's Heroes 2
Pijlie's Wargames Blog
Alde Garde
Modus Reg Magni Momenti
Roundwood's World
Crush The Kaiser
The Dice Warrior 1234 and 5
Rear Guard Action
Little Lions 1 and 2
Monty's Caravan

Maybe there are more of them, but this is what Benno and I could find.

And purchases I hear you ask? Well I bought some very nice things, but that is for my next post! Stay tuned! And before I forget, on Sean's request this is No Captcha November!

Welcome to my blog!!!!!