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maandag 27 mei 2013

Austrian cuirassiers Regt. Nr 8 Part 3

Next bunch of figures of this project. Well not a big bunch. Today the trumpeters and the flag bearers. The trumpeters Paul was missing were here. Nine of them. The flag bearers, just three of them. And normally I only had to paint two of them from Wolfgang. But I painted them all so he can choose the best of them.

I hope you like them!

The horses for the flag bearers I will show in the next and final post. They are the same as the troopers.

@Pascal: these figures are from Art Miniaturen.

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

woensdag 22 mei 2013

Austrian cuirassiers Regt. Nr 8 Part 2

I'm back! I let you all wait for a very long time (maybe to long) for an update on this project. I promesed an update every week but I couldn't. I was painting whole the time. Frome today on I will give them.

First of all I can tell you that they are finished. Hurray! The figures are ready to go back on a trip to Germany. Pictures of the whole bunch will be shown in the last post of this subject. Not a parade like on Paul's Bods but all seperate.

Today I show you the officers. Ten of them in total. Strange thing was I found 11 horses for them.

Enjoy the pictures!

Two horses were painted later as this picture was taken.

I hope you like them.

@Sean: you asked how I glue them on the horses after they are painted. I will not glue these, but if I should do, I would use woodglue. Strong and you can't see it after it dryed.

Welcome to my blog!!!!!