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zondag 30 juni 2024

KOHO - Cowgirl and Cowboy

KOHO comes from the names "Koch & Hofmockel". These are the two Wild West figures I have from this brand. There are others but I think they are hard to find. Anyhow it was a pleasure to paint these and I hope you like them.

PS: some say that the lady is "Calamity Jane", but that's just a rumor! :-D

Thanks for watching!

Painted in 2024

- 20 mm:

    - Figures: 0

    - Horses: 0

    - Cannons: 0

    - Wagons: 0

- 28 mm

    - Figures: 0

- 54 mm

    - Figures: 35

1 opmerking:

  1. Probably a rumour added to by me when I posted the unpainted ones, Peter, but I was working off the similar Marx Janes! Beautifully painted!

